
continental breakfast. the pass. 2009

fourth cei venice forum for contemporary art curators

Continentalbreakfast. The pass 2009

read the proceedings

the forum was conceived by the Trieste Contemporanea Committee and organised in
Venice, Palazzo Zorzi, UNESCO-BRESCE Office in Venice, June 3rd, 2009
Trieste, CEI Executive Secretariat, June 8th, 2009

under the patronage of Jan Figel, Member of the European Commission,
responsible for Education, Training, Culture and Youth; 
an activity of the international network Continental Breakfast; 
a 2009 CEI Feature Cultural Event;
an Italian National Event in the European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009;

in collaboration with the UNESCO Office in Venice-UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (BRESCE) and the L’Officina Brainwork project Trieste, under the patronage of the Central European Initiative (CEI), the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Regione del Veneto, the Provincia di Venezia, the Provincia di Trieste, the Comune di Venezia, the Comune di Trieste, with the support of the CEI, the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Provincia di Trieste and the BEBA Foundation of Venice and with the participation of the Casa dell’Arte of Trieste and SemeNostrum of Udine.

Autori: Edited by Giuliana Carbi Jesurun.
Edito da: Comitato Trieste Contemporanea
Anno: 2009
Descrizione: 137, [22] p., 15 cm