The international Workshop and Round table in collaboration
with the eighth Istanbul Biennial entitled Art-criticism and Curatorial
Practices, East of the EU" was held from 18th to 21st September 2003
at the Borusan Art and Culture Centre, Istanbul and at Istanbul Bilgi
It was organised by AICA-International(Paris), the International Manifesta
Foundation and the newly founded AICA-Turkey, with the patronage of
the European Cultural Foundation in collaboration with Istanbul Bilgi
University, the Borusan Culture and Art Centre, the European Cultural
Association and the Bir Culture and Art Centre.
This international workshop and round table was not only conceived
as a critical and theoretical contribution to the eighth Istanbul
Biennial, but it also focused on defining current practices in international
networking and co-operation, on available models and tools for co-production,
on funding opportunities and curatorial independence.
The Istanbul Biennial, as a modular part of the recently emerging
international system of biennials and the cultural infrastructure
of the region to the East of the EU, is mostly seen as a space for
experience and training for young professionals who are engaged with
curatorial practice, art criticism, and cultural journalism. Whether
it fulfils this function or not, has been discussed during the sessions.
Although the participants came from different cultural scenes, the
topics, questions and problems raised and debated during the sessions
were surprisingly similar. Among the common themes were the institutional
background of art production and its effects on the public sphere
and of art production and its relations to the official discourses.
It was agreed that, in most of the non-EU countries the official institutional
background is conservative and incompetent and needs to be reformed
by taking know-how from EU countries, which are offering programmes
and funds through their institutions. The geographic and contextual
diversity of the positions, visions and ethical orientations of the
curators and the art-critics was another topic in which the perfectionism
that characterizes the international mainstream art with its strong
links to the official institutions, the private sector and the art
market was accentuated. Curators coming to non-EU countries from these
sophisticated environments are misinterpreting and underestimating
the local art scenes and they also fail to contact the intellectual
groups and individuals. It has also been concluded that the main obstacles
on the way to a multi-lateral collaboration are the differences between
the infrastructures (education systems, policies and administrative
philosophies of official and private institutions) and the markets
of the cultural products as well as the absence of theoretical exchange.
To begin with 8th Istanbul Biennale was reviewed in its controversial
title, in the statement and the position of the curator, coming from
USA in contraposition to the works exhibited. The speakers were united
in the fact that the title of the biennial poetic justice is a very
precarious concept in terms of the current historical moment in the
Middle East and the geographical position of Istanbul. The concept
opens a debate, but it also reveals the fact that - despite the well
wishers and optimists - art fails to change world politics, particularly
in these territories. However, the participants agreed that this biennial
had gathered a young generation of artists - known and unknown - and
had a very efficient organisation. The most appreciated works in the
Istanbul Biennale were of Mike Nelson, Fiona Tan, Kutlug Ataman, Bjorn
Melhus, Monica Bonvicini, xurban, Tania Bruguera, Fernando Bryce,
Filipa Cesar,Ergin Cavusoglu, Danica Dakic, Emily Jacir, Shahram Karimi,
Marlene Mc Carty, Doris Salcedo, Song Dong, Monika Sosnowska, Jennifer
Stainkampf, Nalini Malani. During and between the forum sessions,
the participants from the EU countries were seeking moments and spaces
to communicate and to transmit their knowledge and experience, whereas
the participants from the non-EU countries were looking for cooperation
and collaboration.
The workshop and roundtable were sponsored by ECZACIBAŞI HOLDING,
The participants were Farid Abdoulayev (artist/curator, Azerbaijan),
Serhan Ada (Istanbul Bilgi University, writer,Turkey), Ali Akay (Mimar
Sinan University, Department of Sociology, Turkey), Esra Aliçavusoglu
(Marmara University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Turkey), Ahu Antmen (Marmara
University, Faculty of Fine Arts Turkey), Susan Barnes Bubig (Director
of the british Council, Istanbul, UK), Ramon Tio Bellido (AICA International
General secretary,France), Rene Block (Director of Fredericanum, Germany),
Jeroen Boomgaard (AICA Netherlands), Pascal Brunet (France), Levent
Çalykoglu (Yildiz Technic University, Faculty of Art and Design, Turkey),
Christian Chambert (AICA Sweden), Sandra Dagher (Director, Espace
D, Lebanon), Mai Abu El Dahab (curator, Egypt), Cem Erciyes (Editor,
Radikal,Turkey), Zoran Eric (curator, Serbia-Montenegro), Eva Fotiadi
(curator, Macedonia), Hedwig Fijen (Director Manifesta Foundation,Denmark),
Hasim Nur Gürel (Director Eczacibasi Virtual Museum, Turkey), Massimiliano
Gioni (curator, Italy), Khaled Hafez (artist, writer, Egypt), Henry
Meyric Hughes (President, AICA International, UK), Vicky Karaiskou
(curator, Greece), Beral Madra (President AICA Turkey, Turkey), Mahir
Namur (President European Cultural Association, Turkey), Tea Paichadze
(curator, Georgia), Vanessa Reed (Director, European Cultural Foundation,
Netherlands), Anda Rottenberg (AICA Poland), Sajid Rizvi, (Editor,
UK), Efi Strousa (President, AICA Hellas, GR), Stephen Wright (art
critic, writer, Canada/France).