
Castle of Ljubljana, Slovenia
From Friday the 2nd to Sunday the 25th of September 2005

ARTISTS INVITED: Igor Es¹kinja, Katrin Essenson, Gül Ilgaz, Elzbieta Jablonska, Alevtina Kakhidze, Aleksandar Kujuc¹ev, Emanuela Marassi, Malgorzata Markiewicz, Ebba Matz, Lorenzo Missoni, Michal Murin, Lela B. Njatin, Kiril Prashkov, Fabio Andrea Sajiz, Igor Scerbina, Rudolf Sikora, Balint Szombathy, Slaven Tolj, Florin Tudor & Mona Vatamanu, Vana Uros¹evic´ , Gabriela Vanga, Måns Wrange

CURATORS: Emil Aleksiev, Ami Barak, Zuzana Bartos¹ová, Aleksandra Estela Bjelica Mladenovic´, Iara Bubnova, Giuliana Carbi, Sarah Cosulich Canarutto, Lilia Dragneva, Andrzej Ekwin´ski, Anders Härm, Beral Madra, Michnea Mircan, Barbara Novakovic¹ Kolenc, Jerzy Onuch, Maria Ana Potocka, Mira Putis¹ová, Anda Rottenberg, Katalin Timár, Janka Vukmir

Produced by Muzeum, Institute for Art Production, Distribution and Publishing, in coproduction with the Ljubljana Festival and in collaboration with Kiberpipa K 6/4, Galerija Kapelica, Atelje 2050, Memory (W)Hole avails itself of the fundamental support of the Slovene Ministry of Culture, of the Municipality of Ljubljana, of the Ljubljana Italian Institute of Culture, as well as various private sponsors.

Within the event, a rich and variegated panorama of proposals conceived by 19 important curators from a broad European area that ranges from Ukraine (Jerzy Onuch) to Turkey (Beral Madra), from Poland (Anda Rottenberg) to Bulgaria (Iara Bubnova), will transform the Castle of Ljubljana, in occasion of the centennial celebration, into a true “ living sculpture ”.

Two are the fundamental nuclei of the event in Ljubljana: the original combination, during the 3rd and 4th of September, of the CONFERENCE of the Central-Eastern European contemporary art curators with the PERFORMANCE SECTION whose title is "The Conference of performances", assigned to Lela B.Njatin (Slovenia), Michal Murin (Slovakia), Balint Szombathy (Hungary), Elzbieta Jablonska (Poland), Slaven Tolj (Croatia), Katrin Essenson (Estonia), Emanuela Marassi and Lorenzo Missoni (Italy). The second nucleus of the event, from the 5th to the 25th of September, is the exhibition MEMORY (W)HOLE, which collects the works of 23 international artists requested to create their projects on the theme of memory as a whole (Whole) and as a liminal space governed by the unconscious (Hole).

As part of the international event, a catalogue curated by Barbara Novakovic¹ Kolenc will be published, it will include the entire documentation of the exhibition projects presented during the event.
Also, in Ljubljana will be available the proceedings of the "Second CEI Forum for Contemporary Art Curators", published by Trieste Contemporanea.

The Continental Breakfast project will continue its journey with the events in Tallinn (Continental Breakfast Tallinn – The exhibition of Living Sculptures, November 2005), Maribor (Continental Breakfast Maribor – Places of transition, December 2005) and Trieste (Continental Breakfast Friuli Venezia Giulia – Etty Abergel, Miroslaw Balka, Alfredo Pirri, December 2005).

Within the event in Ljubljana the artists from Friuli Venezia Giulia EMANUELA MARASSI and FABIO ANDREA SAIJZ are hosted as well, selected for Trieste Contemporanea Committee by Giuliana Carbi. One participates to the event with a performance and the other with a photo-installation.

Emanuela Marassi’s performance is entitled “Continental Breakfast” and will take place at the Lapidarium of the Castle of Ljubljana Saturday 3rd of September at 8:00 p.m.. The performance will be interpreted by the actress from Trieste Sara Alzetta, and accompanied by the original music of the Venetian composer Puccio Migliaccio, which will literally make the Castle “sound”, the costumes have been devised and produced by the renowned designer Fiora Gandolfi. “Continental Breakfast” is a brief performing act that is nonetheless powerful. It deals with the most urgent problem that the planet will have to face: the shortage of water resources.

The photographer and light designer Fabio Andrea Saijz will inaugurate, on Monday 5th of September, at 5:00 p.m. in an ancient cell of the Castle, his photo installation whose title is “Liturgy of the empty”, that may be visited until Sunday September 25th. Starting from the photographic documentation of the entire dramatic cycle of the "Tragedia Endogonidia", a project created by the theater company Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio, Saijz isolates some intense images from scenes to make them hold a dialogue in a narrow space.
See the full programme at


Organizzazione ed informazioni:
via del Monte 2/1, 34121 Trieste (I)
tel. ++39 040 639187 - fax ++39 40 367601

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