videospritz #3: the new chinese shadows
the young video art of peking
Trieste, Studio Tommaseo (via del Monte 2/1)
MONDAY, November 24th, 6.30pm
China and Tradition
The only way China of Arts has to be effectively international is this: to be able to rediscover its roots creatively, as a teen-ager does looking for his parents. (Wu Jian Xin)
"Yu Si Ming", Yuan / Circular (2008, 3’29”)
"Wu Qiu Yan", Wu / Understand (2008, 3’27”)
"Chen Hai Lu", Duihua / Conversation (2008, 2’)
"Tan Tan", Qianmen Yidian / Qian Men Hotel No. 1 (2007, 16’24’’)
"Zheng Zhong", Jinyu / Gold Fish (2006, 8’53’’)
"Liao Wen Wen", Ao Wu (2006, 1’39’’)
TUESDAY, November 25th, 6.30pm
China in the Mirror
The dimension of the “True China”, of the Socialist Realism we can find in the old art pieces, has withdrawn now from Chinese contemporary art. Perhaps this split hasn’t happened yet just in video production and New Media Art in which you still can find a tie between artworks and the Chinese reality they refer. (Zhu Qi)
"Tan Tan", Baicai / Chinese cabbage (2007, 33’11’’)
"Lin Zhe Le", Repanda (2007, 6’25’’)
"Zhang Mei Jie", Duanyu weisheng / One phrase for life (2006, 12’)
"Zhang Ye Xing", mu / Curtain (2008, 3’42’’)
"Gao Wen Dong", Xi Hai Cun / Xi Hai Village (2006, 31’)
WEDNESDAY, November 26th, 6.30pm
China and Shadows
“To hint” is translated with the two characters “An Shi” into Chinese. That literally stand for “let things turn from darkness up”: the meaning becomes a play of shadows and lights. (Vittorio Tantucci)
"Li Xiao Jing", Yin / Trace (2006, 3’40’’)
"Liao Wen Wen", Wo zai zheli / I’m here (2006, 2’02’’)
"Chen Hai Lu", wo, shijian / I, time (2008, 5’)
"Zhu Yu", Ying / Shadows (2008, 2’)
"Yuan Bo", "Jiao Yan", Tiantang de Jieti / Stairway to heaven (2008, 8’53’’)
"Zhu Xiao Qi", Yi xie huiyi / Some memories (2008, 2’)
"Mao Yong Hua", Hou Gongye Shiwu / Post-industrial meal (2007, 10’)
THURSDAY, November 27th, 6.30pm
China smiles
"Tan Tan", Yu 60 Ren Gongdu Yi Fenzhong / 1 minute spent with 60 people (2007, 6’58’’)
"Chen Qiang", Geli / Cut Out (2007, 29’)
"Hao Lang", Kuang xiang qu / 1985 Rhapsody (2006, 4’20’’)
"Wang Yuan Yuan", Ru men / Learning the fundamentals (2008, 9’)
"Chen Hai Lu", Tiao / Jumps (2008, 1’24’’)
"Chen Hai Lu", Xiao Xingxing / Little stars (2006, 1’)
"Wu Di", Sheghuo de Jiezou / Rhythms of life (2007, 2’07’’)
"Song Song", Shui de Guiji / Paths of water (2006, 6’04’’)
FRIDAY, November 28th, 6.30pm
"Yu Si Ming", Yuan / Circular (2008, 3’29”)
"Chen Hai Lu", Duihua / Conversation (2008, 2’)
"Tan Tan", Qianmen Yidian / Qian Men Hotel No. 1 (2007, 16’24’’)
"Tan Tan", Baicai / Chinese cabbage (2007, 33’11’’)
"Lin Zhe Le", Repanda (2007, 6’25’’)
"Zhang Mei Jie", Duanyu weisheng / One phrase for life (2006, 12’)
"Zhang Ye Xing", mu / Curtain (2008, 3’42’’)
SATURDAY, November 29th, 6.30pm
"Li Xiao Jing", Yin / Trace (2006, 3’40’’)
"Liao Wen Wen", Wo zai zheli / I’m here (2006, 2’02’’)
"Tan Tan", Yu 60 Ren Gongdu Yi Fenzhong / 1 minute spent with 60 people (2007, 6’58’’)
"Chen Qiang", Geli / Cut Out (2007, 29’)
"Hao Lang", Kuang xiang qu / 1985 Rhapsody (2006, 4’20’’)
"Wang Yuan Yuan", Ru men / Learning the fundamentals (2008, 9’)
"Zheng Zhong", a frame from (Eng. trans.) Gold Fish
THE NEW CHINESE SHADOWS. The young Video Art of Peking
videospritz® 2008 – International encounters of Video Art
Trieste Contemporanea, via del Monte 2/1, Trieste
from November 24 through 29, 2008, at 6.30pm
admission free
artists: “Chen Hai Lu”, “Chen Qiang”, “Gao Wen Dong”, “Hao Lang”, “Jiao Yan”, “Li Xiao Jing”, “Liao Wen Wen”, “Lin Zhe Yue”, “Mao Yong Hua”, “Song Song”, “Tan Tan”, “Wang Yuan Yuan”, “Wu Di”, “Wu Qiu Yan”, “Yu Si Ming”, “Yuan Bo”, “Zhang Mei Jie”, “Zhang Ye Xing”, “Zheng Zhong”, “Zhu Xiao Qi” and “Zhu Yu”
curator: Vittorio Tantucci
organization: Comitato Trieste Contemporanea, Associazione culturale L’Officina
with the contribution of the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia
and the participation of Casa dell’Arte, Trieste
sponsor Enoteca Bere Bene Trieste
info 040 639187,