squeeze it contest 2016
the rules of the second edition of the contest

Studio Tommaseo: a moment of the award ceremony of the first edition, with the winner group Komična Hunta
The L’Officina and the Studio Tommaseo of Trieste, together with the Trieste Contemporanea Committee, are delighted to announce the
franco jesurun award and online squeeze it award
The contest aims to create a bridge between theatre, the visual arts, and new media.
It is open to young Europeans under 30 who are invited to suggest and devise new languages which are able to merge different expertise.
The initiative aims to a cross-sector promotion of culture to make it closer to the 2.0 generation.
The competition aims to strengthen the cooperation between various subjects in order to promote a better understanding of different approaches to the artistic creativity in Europe.
Candidates are required to submit to the competition a project of a theatrical action, small-size and low-cost production.
The competition is dedicated to Franco Jesurun, a visionary man of culture, that was a theatre actor and a gallerist, founder of the three cultural organisations in Trieste that promote the competition. Studio Tommaseo establishes this biennial competition in 2014, as part of the activities celebrating the Studio’s 40th anniversary (see the first edition).
Organisers of the initiative are the associazione culturale L’Officina, the Studio Tommaseo and the Trieste Contemporanea Committee, in partnership with the Central European Initiative (CEI) Executive Secretariat, the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka (Croatia), the Umetnostna galerija Maribor (Slovenia), the Institute for Contemporary Art in Zagreb (Croatia), the ArtSpace in Gorizzo (Italy) and the Patagonia Art and the ACM in Venice. The competition is sponsored by the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia and is organised under the patronage of the Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Provincia di Trieste and the Comune di Trieste. It is promoted withthe collaboration of the Continental Breakfast network, the ICA-Institute of Contemporary Art, Sofia, the Ludwig Museum-Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest. The Galleria regionale d’arte contemporanea Luigi Spazzapan in Gradisca d’Isonzo and the Villa Manin-ERPAC in Passariano are among the partners hosting its workshops.
download the rules
go to the squeeze it contest main page
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