11th cei venice forum
The Agencies We Need.
11th CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators. Continental Breakfast 2024.
Venice, Academy of Fine Arts, Dorsoduro 423, Academy Auditorium
Friday, 19 April 2024 [1:45 – 6:00 pm]

Entrance of the Venice Academy, 2019 CEI Venice Forum. Photo Mattia Comuzzi, courtesy Trieste Contemporanea
The 11th CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators from Central Eastern Europe is scheduled for Friday, April 19, 2024, at the Academy of Fine Arts of Venice, running from 2 to 6 pm. The event will also be live webcasted.
The meeting is a CEI Co-operation Activity and a Continental Breakfast 2024 project, organized by Trieste Contemporanea under the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Italian Ministry of Culture, the Central European Initiative, the Italian National Commission for UNESCO, the Regione del Veneto, the Comune di Venezia, the Comune di Trieste, the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, and the University of Trieste. It is made possible with the support of the Central European Initiative and the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, and in collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, the KCB Cultural Centre of Belgrade, and the Juliet art magazine.
The Forum.
The CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators is a biennial event, closely linked with the pre-opening days of the Biennale Arte Venezia, that has been addressing the promotion of art and contemporary culture, as well as facilitating the exchange of curatorial practices, since 2001. This initiative welcomes art curators and professionals from Central Eastern Europe, as well as commissioners of the Venice Biennale responsible for the national pavilions of the CEE countries. It stands as one of the primary international activities within Trieste Contemporanea’s “Dialogues with the Art of Central Eastern Europe” program, which was initiated in 1995.
The Agencies We Need.
The inertia often observed within traditional public cultural institutions in response to the rapidly evolving contemporary cultural landscape, shaped by electronic communication and changing public sensibilities, highlights the necessity and potential for non-institutional initiatives to take action. This need is particularly acute in Eastern Europe. These initiatives serve as dynamic agents at the intersection of artistic creation and public engagement, adept at devising novel methods of cultural promotion and presentation. They operate with a shared commitment: to address cultural needs in ways that benefit all stakeholders. The 11th CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators aims to shine a spotlight on emerging visionary agents who are catalysts for their region’s cultural evolution, providing them with a platform to share inspirations, goals, experiences and projects.
Branko Franceschi
CEI Venice Forum convenor 2024
read his full Introduction
The Speakers.
– Ioana Ciocan, Romania. Klaudia Fagu, Albania. Branko Franceschi (convenor), Croatia. Marin Ivanović, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Michal Koleček, Czech Republic. Róna Kopeczky, Hungary. Lera Kotsyuba, Ukraine (YACA). Alexandra Lazar, Serbia. Tevž Logar, Slovenia. Teodora Talhoș, Romania (YACA). Martina Yordanova, Bulgaria. Vanja Žanko, Croatia.
read about the Speakers
read the Programme
Young Art Critic Award Trieste Contemporanea.
To highlight a specific activity of art criticism by young contemporary art curators, an inaugural experimental edition of a new criticism award connected to the Venice meeting has been launched in 2024. The award is open to art curators born in Central Eastern Europe and under thirty-five years old. Participants were asked to submit a review of a contemporary art exhibition they found most compelling, visited between 2022 and 2024. The Award judging panel – composed of art historians and contemporary art curators Giuliana Carbi Jesurun and Branko Franceschi, and Nicoletta Zanni, historian of art criticism – reviewed submissions and selected two finalists that have been invited to participate as speakers at the Forum, using their submitted review texts as the basis for their interventions. The audience in Venice will have the opportunity to vote to determine the Award winner (and, thanks to Juliet art magazine, both finalists will write an article in coming issues).
read more about the Award Open Call
Both in-person and online audiences are welcome to attend the event. There is no participation fee, but online advance registration is required for all attendees by Thursday the 18th of April at 11 am
(after registration, online attendees will be provided with a link to connect).
We are pleased to provide you with the link to attend the meeting in streaming: https://digitalinnovationhubvicenza-it.zoom.us/j/6715036195?pwd=RERkQ3QwWWVQRng2VEJOeUlpQXByQT09&omn=82393568743
[last update: 11 April 2024]