Torta numero zero (cake number zero)
at 6 pm
On the occasion of the 50th birth anniversary of Corrado Premuda
Torta numero zero (cake number zero)
First study by Alessandro Marinuzzi and Davide Rossi
for an adaptation of the novel Prematurità by Corrado Premuda
Reading by Alessandro Marinuzzi
with Davide Rossi
with Romina Colbasso, Veronica Dariol, Tommaso Sculin
and with the participation of Sara Alzetta

Corrado Premuda
On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of Corrado Premuda, on Saturday 16th March at 6 p.m. Trieste Contemporanea organises at Studio Tommaseo (via del Monte 2, Trieste) a preview of the reading of Torta numero zero (Cake number zero), a first short study by Alessandro Marinuzzi and Davide Rossi for the adaptation of the novel Prematurità (prematurity) by the Trieste writer who died suddenly in July 2022.