macro asilo
at 6pm at magazzino delle idee

Pablo Echaurren’s tribute to Marcel Duchamp (photo Jacopo Landi, courtesy Giorgio de Finis)
On Wednesday 30 November at 18 at the Magazzino delle idee (Trieste, Corso Cavour, 2) there will be a screening of the film MACRO ASILO: IL MUSEO di tutti by Giorgio de Finis.
The initiative is in collaboration with ERPAC (Ente Regionale PAtrimonio Culturale della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia) and is curated by Trieste Contemporanea. The documentary film was produced by Azienda Speciale Palaexpo in 2020 and is on the experience of the MACRO ASILO project, conceived and curated by Giorgio de Finis.