job’s lament by gary brackett and martin reckhaus
start of screening, 6.30pm

Gary Brackett and Martin Reckhaus, <em>Job’s Lament</em>, still from the film
Tuesday 2 November at 6.30 pm Trieste Contemporanea (Studio Tommaseo, via del Monte 2/1), hosts an invited preview of the medium-length film Job’s Lament, by Gary Brackett and Martin Reckhaus produced by Loretta Auditorium and The Alchemical Studios NYC.
Director’s notes
A daily business!
You hear and read of the suffering of the people of our planet.
New explanations—of the why—arrive almost instantaneously.
We find ourselves globally united in suffering, or the knowledge thereof.
Who are we?
Information of us is information among us!
The ones enjoying peace wonder who we are on earth as a whole—the people.
We cry out, we lament!
The Book of Job comes, arrives as presence from the ancient past of our cry.
Time has not obscured the pages of the poet.
Deprived of meaning, can we still speak at the abyss of language, to whomever listens?
Are we but a mistake of nature, something made to behave (suggested by many among us), or do we correspond, seeking justice, unknowing, but at heart determined?
These are the matters of Job. His body, the world, broken; only his voice remaining—he demands an answer!
We came across The Book of Job while looking for a present for a friend at the Jewish Museum of Berlin. The scholar Gershom Scholem was our guide in recognizing the heritage of being human in times of crisis.
Martin Reckhaus
Trieste, October 28, 2021