Library news 1

Thanks to the precious grant of MiBACT in support of publishing, we are happy to inform you that the catalogue of the Trieste Contemporanea library is enriched with new volumes on Eastern European art, aesthetics, iconology and more!
These are some of new titles that you find in our catalogue:
Martino Stierli, Vladimir Kulic, Toward a concrete utopia: architecture in Yugoslavia, 1948-1980, The Museum of Modern Art, 2018
Aby Warburg, Bilderatlas Mnemosyne, Hatje Canz, 2020
Hito Steyerl, Duty free art: art in the age of civil war, Verso, 2019
Klara Kemp-Welch, Networking the Bloc: experimental art in Eastern Europe, 1965-1981, The MIT Press, 2018
Bernd & Hilla Becher, Typologies, Mit, 2004
The catalogue is available online on the Biblioest website.
Enjoy the reading!