Both ways: croatia

photo Marino Ierman, courtesy Trieste Contemporanea
Link to the virtual exhibition:
Bojan Crnković, Vedrana Mikulić Crnković (Math Behind the Walk); Ingeborg Fülepp, Dijana Protić, Marko Mrvoš (A Walk in Memories).
Curators: Ingeborg Fülepp, Vedrana Mikulić Crnković / Design and implementation of the mathematical algorithm and VR: Bojan Crnković, Vedrana Mikulić Crnković / Camera 360 video: Tena Bošnjaković (A Walk in Memories), Marko Mrvoš (Downtown Rijeka) /Editing: Marko Mrvoš / Sound design: Matko Baričević / Visual communication design: Korina Hunjak / Poster printing: Ivan Vranjić, APURI / Actors and performers: Denis Kirinčić, Marko the Clown, Naim, Tino Trkulja, horse riders from the Ranch Sivi Vrabac Pette Rocco / Production: University of Rijeka, Department of Mathematics & Center for Innovative Media, Academy of Applied Arts / Co-financed by: KKT (Campus Creative Team, Rijeka 2020, European Capital of Culture); 27 Neighborhoods; UNIRI Projects (Interdisciplinary Research and Application of New Media Technologies in Virtual Reality Art); Department of Mathematics and The Elsevier Mathematical Sciences Sponsorship Fund / Technical support: UNIRI – Academy of Applied Arts and Department of Mathematics.
The Croatian BW section is entirely dedicated to the collaboration of mathematics with art. Curated by Ingeborg Fülepp and Vedrana Mikulić Crnković, respectively professors at the Academy of Fine Arts and at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Rijeka (who are also among the authors of the Rijeka project), and set up by a team of professors and students of both training institutes, the exhibition proposal for Trieste, Outlandish Rijeka, is composed of two interpenetrating projects: A Walk in Memories and Math behind the Walk. The outcome of the collaboration between artists and mathematicians is a virtual walk across the city of Rijeka. In the first project, by scanning a QR code, visitors can extract from the photographs on display the respective 360° videos of different places in the city; in the second, virtual visitors may affect the algorithm that guides them across the city, thus modifying the walk that will be offered to the next visitor.
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