both ways exhibition
exhibition opening at 19

BOTH WAYS opens on 29 August at 7 pm at Magazzino 27 in the Porto Vecchio of Trieste: from 29 August to 6 September this will be the “centre” collecting the experiences of the entire BOTH WAYS project and bringing 27 artists from Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Serbia.
BOTH WAYS is a contemporary art exhibition within the Science in the City Festival. It is a physically polycentric exhibition, held in five European locations with headquarters in Trieste, as well as a replicated and extended online. read more
A series of in-depth events is scheduled for the duration of the exhibition read the programme
Opening hours
30 August – 1 September: from 10 am to 8 pm
2 September – 6 September: from 8.30 am to 8 pm
Free admission
Booking required
Trieste Contemporanea
+39 040 639187