compete for the young european artist 2017
deadline 8 October 2017
We are pleased to announce that is now possible to participate in the 2017 edition of the Young European Artist Trieste Contemporanea Award!
Dear talented young artists update your portfolio and send it to us!

Versus, videoinstallation, 2014 by Dominik Ritszel, Young European Artist 2015
Since 1999, the Trieste Contemporanea Committee assigns the Young European Artist Trieste Contemporanea Award to a young artist from Central Eastern Europe with the aim of promoting her or his work on the international art scene.
From 2013 the Award is biennial and open to any young artist aged under 30 (born within the 7th of October, 1987) and born in one of the following countries: Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine.
The award gives the overall winner the opportunity of conceiving and developing a solo show for the Trieste Contemporanea’s exhibition space in Trieste, Italy, due to be held in 2018. The artist will also have a monographic catalogue published and will benefit from professional exposure as a consequence of the award.
All eligible applications will be examined by a judging committee comprising experts and curators of contemporary art from Central Eastern Europe.
There is no entry fee.
Every participant submits an updated portfolio.
The portfolio should be composed by images (of at last 5 recent works, with captions and brief descriptions), a cv, an artistic statement (max 500 words) and, in case, should include bibliography and sitography (pdf format, max 3MB). The text of the portfolio should be written in English.
Applicants should register to the competiton using the online form.
The candidate should complete the form a and attach the portfolio and an Identification Document (pdf or jpg format, max 500 KB). Any groups wishing to participate should fill out the form with the name and ID of the group leader and just list the names, countries and date of birth of the other group members, which have to be aged under 30 as well.
The deadline is midnight (Italian time) of the 8th of October, 2017.
application form
read more about the Young European Artist Award
associato al progetto: young european artist award