18 april 2013online registration will be opened soon

Sixth CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators
Continental Breakfast 2013
2003-2013. A collection of curatorial data from the beginning of the millennium
Venice, Palazzo Zorzi (Castello 4930)
May 30th, 2013 (from 10am to 1pm and from 3pm to 6pm)
under the patronage of Mrs Androulla Vassiliou, Member of the European Commission
a CEI Feature Event
a Continental Breakfast Activity
The Forum is conceived and organised by the Trieste Contemporanea Committee, in cooperation with the
Central European Initiative (CEI) and the
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, Venice (Italy). The event is held under the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the
Regione del Veneto, the
Provincia di Venezia, the
Provincia di Trieste, the
Comune di Venezia, the
Comune di Trieste and the University of Trieste. It is supported by the CEI, the
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia and the BEBA Foundation of Venice.
Our Evo Veloce runs and constantly changes its reference points; its interpreting tools; its predisposition for cultural archiving in line with meanings from contextual positions which can be multiple, hybrid or even unsystematic.
Similarly, in terms of current cultural products, the concepts of the art exhibitions proposed by the curators are very diverse and based on a lot of personal investigation.
The 2013 Venice Forum – which commemorates 10 years of activity together with friends from the Continental Breakfast network – wants to stimulate a reflection on the wealth of observational working tools by discussing and comparing examples/main criteria of subjective decisions taken by curators with regards to the greater or lesser importance of a contemporary work/artistic action.
In practical terms, the meeting this year wants to discuss a number of curatorial choices – from the protagonists directly – from a short time segment immediately contiguous to the present, namely the last ten years.
The changing relational priorities and the speed conditions informed by the context – especially overwhelmingly in the last decade – affect, in the cultural domain, the possibilities of pinpointing the problematic framework within which the characteristics of relevance and interest for a specific artistic action are perceived. Defining a problematic framework currently (which is, as it were in “constant flux” due to external factors) is a complex matter which also entails the difficulty of grasping clearly the essential – and not accidental – interconnection within its framework which can in turn take into account the generative fertility of a good artistic action, with regards to the ability of the current widespread visual environment to assimilate it (the “running time”, so to speak, of the action itself).
The 2013 CEI Venice Forum wishes to add to the debate underway by aiming to directly invite the participants – ranging in education, age and countries of origin – to share with colleagues the evaluation practices personally adopted over the last ten years for selecting episodes of importance/excellence from the international artistic output of the time and/or comment on defining important/excellent curatorial episodes from the last decade, in their opinion.
Trieste Contemporanea
telephone: office (17-20) +39 040 639187 | mobile +39 333 5313442
e-mail: giuliana.carbi@triestecontemporanea.it | tscont@tin.it
Central European Initiative – CEI, Trieste (Italy)
Barbara Fabro, Senior Executive Officer
telephone: +39 040 7786 777 / 725
e-mail: fabro@cei.int
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, Venice (Italy)
Michela de Faveri, Senior Programme Assistant
telephone: + 39 041 2601517
e-mail: m.de-faveri@unesco.org