Trieste Contemporanea - Dialoghi con l'arte dell'Europa centro orientale

Second International Design Competition
Traduzione in italiano

First prize:

Just Toys:( wood, string and carton)
First prize for the ludic power of the creative idea, the technological simplicity, and the low cost of realization.
Wooden discs attached to a string on a carton stand with various holes made to receive the discs with the right, skillful movements.
Ingrandimento immagine nƒ 1 Ingrandimento immagine nƒ 2 Second prize:

Tile: (panels of expanded polyester)
Second prize for the creative idea along with the experimental use of materials.
Tiles decorated in three different colors that when put together form chess-boards for the floor.
Anna Lipinska ( Poland, 1971)
Diploma from the Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Industrial Design, June 1996.
Collaborates as designer in the display sector.
In June 1994, participates in a study course at the Department of Industrial Design of the National College of Art in Dublin
In 1995 takes part in the Smirnoff International Fashion Awards competition.
Erica Michelini (Italy, 1964)
Designer; Diploma in 1994 from the I.S.I.A. of Florence.
From 1990 exhibits pictorial works in numerous collective exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
In September 1995, participates in the 1st International Competition of design promoted by Trieste Contemporanea with the work “Giramisù”, obtaining an “honorable mention” from the jury.


Organization and Information:


via del Monte 2/1 - I-34100 Trieste

tel. +39 040 639187 - fax. +39 040 367601

E mail: