the squeeze-it-s
the finalists, the competing theatrical actions
Femminata – by Salvatore Cannova, Clara Ingargiola and Valentina Ghelfi, Italy
Femminata talks about domestic violence, telling the story of a Woman who can’t do anything but forgive his man. Femminata is the life of all the women submissive on abusive men, is the life of all the women that perish under that violence.
Salvatore Cannova (Palermo, 1993), starting his education as a singing and piano student, advanced in theatre at the “Scuola dei mestieri dello spettacolo”, the Teatro Biondo acting school directed by Emma Dante in Palermo, at the drama course “Il varco del racconto” directed by Chiara Guidi (Societas Raffaello Sanzio) and at the Bernstein School or Musical Theatre in Bologna. He is now studying his BA at the University of Palermo. He performed for theatre, often directed by Emmma Dante, and for movie and television. In 2017 he wrote his first play, “Elementi”, Aletti Publisher; in 2018 he directed for the stage “La famiglia Mangiapane racconta i grandi classici”, Teatro Biondo production; and in 2019 co-directed the shortmovie “SUPO”.
Clara Ingargiola (Mazara, Sicily, 1994) graduated in 2017 from the Accademia Nazionale del Dramma Antico, Siracusa. She performed as coreuta in the classical dramas at the Greek Theatre in Siracusa (2015-2017); in 2015 she took part in “Medeia Medeias Medeia”, directed by Nicasio Anzelmo at the Ancient Theatre of Segesta, and worked with Moni Ovadia and Mario Incudine, (“Alla ricerca di una terra straniera più amica della nostra”, “Le Supplici”) ; in 2017 (“Le Troiane”) and 2018 (“La favola del figlio cambiato”) she worked with Matteo Tarasco; in the same year she collaborated with the roman company “Gruppo Jobel”.
Valentina Ghelfi (Piacenza 1994), begun studying drama with Mariangela Granelli. After her degree, she attended the acting school of the Piccolo Teatro in Milano. After finishing School on July 2017, she worked with the Swiss company V XX Zweetz and the company LumeTeatro, and with directors Carmelo Rifici and Giorgio Sangati. She studied on-camera acting with Pupi Avati and Tim Kent and worked for TV and some shortmovies. During the school years, she also explored modern dance performing. In Summer 2018 she published her first poetry book: “Los Senores ed io”.
Action – Evolution – by Antonio Mayor Rey, Spain
A performance where philosophy about evolution is the protagonist and a young man delves into his more personal self to invite the public to reflect on the evolutionary process of humans from a perspective where sexuality marks the way and towards a future where technology will became the keeper of human essence.
Antonio Mayor Rey (Madrid, 1997). Education: baccalaureate from the Instituto Padre Piquer, Madrid and from CEAC; courses at the ESNE Escuela Universitaria de Diseño, Innovación y Tecnologia, Madrid and at the Escuela de Empresa, Madrid. In 2016-2017 he is community manager for the Spanish M80 radio (Empresa Grupo Prisa) and model for several Spanish fashion companies. In 2018 he performs his first performance at the Centro de Artes Vanguardista La Neomudejar in Madrid.
Bauhaus 100 (Shade of Bauhaus) – by Lilla Tóth (group leader), Noémi Endresz, Johanna Eperke Kiss, Kinga Ördög, Diána Polgár, Hungary
The theme is the 100th birthday of the Bauhaus Design School. Shade of Bauhaus is a game of shadows, geometric figures and bodies.
The team members are students in architecture and product design from the Sopron University.